
meeting art with miracle

Now, imagine you have just come from a meeting with your boss where she informs you that your performance isn’t good enough. She also mentions that you are not meeting her expectations and that over the next month she’ll be watching you very closely to make sure you improve.higher better enjoyment

At the end of the meeting she hints towards a layoff if you don’t improve your game. As you leave her office your coworker asks you to rework the proposal because, in their opinion, it’s just not that good. This time do you let the comment roll off your back or are you more likely to snap, burst into tears or verbally attack them?Speed Dating HK

Notice how the stimulus (your coworker) doesn’t change but your response certainly does.vampire kingdom amour

It’s important to be aware of this. The next time someone snaps at you for something that is relatively harmless think first about how and if it could have been taken the wrong way and then secondly remember that they could be having a terrible day and this is the last straw.vampire paradise dreamer

Similarly, consider your reaction to someone else.travel avec toi forever

Were you being unfair in responding the way you did? Are you just having a bad day? Are you just in a bad mood? Having enough self-awareness can stop you from acting in a way that makes you feel unhappy with yourself and is potentially disrespectful to others.elite gathering island

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Posted by liyoyo  at 13:05 │Comments(0)art
